Paying your SWCC Subs on-line
If you have access to internet banking you can now pay your subs that way.
Please take
great care to follow the steps below and to get the Sort code and
Account No details right,
because you won't be deemed to have paid
until your correct subs hits the SWCC bank account.
- Account Details
Account Name: SWCC SUBS (normally you put this in the box
"who do you want to pay?" or "payee")
Sort code: 20 37 82
Account No: 73385639
- Your Name
Enter your Surname followed by your Initials (normally in the box
"your reference")
- Amount
Enter the amount to pay (normally your SWCC plus BCA subs) Click
here for current rates.
you are a recent Member or Provisional Member, please check with Sam (Membership Sec) first.
- Please email Sam
To let him know when
you have made the transaction (including how you worked it out) so that he can look out for it.
You can still
pay by Cheque if you don't use Internet Banking, but we would
prefer the latter as it's a lot less work.
Any problems contact Sam