SWCC Social Events

SWCC has plenty of social events to help you relax after your caving (or instead of caving!).

For a list of all upcoming activities see the calendar. Some events are annual, such as the Ceilidh with barn dancing held on our AGM weekend in May and at New Year.

Other Parties may spring up at random!  >>

<<  Working week is usually held after the late May bank holiday, and has the more serious intent of doing DIY on the cottages to keep them in shape, but is usually accompanied by much beer and dust.

< Roll your mouse over to savour the two sides of Working Week . . .


Digging is very social! How better to get to know other cavers than by getting down and dirty? There are a number of active and promising digs nearby (honestly!).         >>

You will be most welcome, and who knows, you might be in on a great discovery! To celebrate our 60th Year we had a Digging Week.

See the left hand menu for details of more past events.