A selection of links to members online caving media. If you are not here and you have some online material let me know, I can only link to the stuff I know about.


Andy & Antonia Freem

SWCC 70th video

Keith Edwards


Brendan Marris

Jenny Burrows

Drips - test link

Gary's PSM Pictures 2017

Gary's PSM pictures

Gary's PSM Pictures 2017

TV programmes including SWCC

Richard Parks OFD through trip

Epic Welsh Adventures in OFD

Club life: the most underground club in Wales

The Beautiful Adventure

A major film of the exploration history and journey through Dan yr Ogof has been made and published by Antonia and Andy Freem. It involved 15 trips with well over 30 SWCC cavers and is a high quality informative 65 minute documentary that is fascinating viewing for those who have or have not been able to visit the entire cave, including for example the diver only Battle of Britain Series, Cascade Series, Mostest and Far North.  

This unique record is on sale for just £5.00, with proceeds going to the SWCC H.Q. Roof Fund.

Copies will be available for purchase from the publications cupboard, or by mail order directly from Andy SWCC-DVD@swcc.org.uk.