Joining SWCC

  • Become a provisional member. Send a completed provisional membership application form, along with the requisite fee (see the form), to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Forms can be downloaded [Word, PDF] or found in the folder by the notice board at SWCC HQ. Upon acceptance of your application at the next committee meeting your provisional membership will be valid for 12 months.
  • Get to know the members. and the committee. In order to apply for full membership, you will need to have 2 proposers, who can be anyone who has been a member of SWCC for at least 2 years. They can introduce you to other club members, and help you to get involved in club activities. It is advisable, though it should not be considered essential, that you get to be known by a few of the current committee members.
  • Become a full member. After at least six months, and before the anniversary of your provisional membership, you can apply for full membership. Your name, and those of your 2 proposers, must be included in our eNews at least 6 weeks prior to the committee meeting at which your application will be decided (see Calendar for dates). Send a completed full membership application form (available at SWCC HQ or [WordPDF]), along with a letter of proposal from each of your proposers, and the requisite fee, to the Membership Sec in good time for the meeting.

Membership now runs from from January 1st, renewable every year, and you must pay within one month to retain your membership. Full details for existing members on renewal are here, it's easiest if you would pay your combined SWCC and BCA subs using a direct bank transfer. If you don't use on-line banking, then post your cheque to our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Cheques to be made payable to SWCC. We cannot take subs through the hut sheets.

If your particular combination doesn't appear here, or if you are a Provisional Member, please contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance as you may get a discount.


*British Caving Association subs: This includes 3rd party liability insurance at a level appropriate to your caving activity and all members must choose which category they fit into. These subs are collected via SWCC but are separate from the SWCC membership subs. If you have already joined the BCA via another route there is no additional fee (e.g. Individual BCA member, via another BCA caving club or cave divers group), but your BCA Insurance Card Number must be provided. Please note that this insurance does not cover injury to yourself.

Membership Structure

There are 4 types of membership:

  1. Provisional: £20 (1st year offer)
  2. Junior, age 16-17: £20
  3. Full: £56 (£45 retired, £37 U30/in FTE)
  4. Joint: £90 (£72 retired, £59 U30/in FTE)

This Privacy Notice tells you what to expect when SWCC collects and processes personal information. This version is effective from September 2024. This Data Audit sets out in more detail the information that is held.